Net Value for Society
As a company, we are aware that the financial statements reflect only a portion of our activities and how they affect society. There are other positive and negative impacts that are not assessed by the capital markets and are therefore not shown in our traditional profit and loss calculations.
Through this exercise, we better understand the materiality, relevance, and interdependence of our company's impacts in order to make decisions that increase the value CEMEX brings to the business, society, and the planet. In this way, we manage risk, become more transparent, and achieve our sustainability ambitions.
Thus, in 2021 we generated a net value of US $4.4 million, or 2.1 times the profit we retained for the same period.
CEMEX considers the following to be the most material positive and negative impacts:
Economic Impact
- Salaries and Benefits
- Taxes
- Interest and Dividends
Social Impact
- Talent Development
- Social Initiatives
- Health and Safety
Environmental Impact
- GHG Emissions
- Air Emissions
- Water Consumption
- Biodiversity
- Net Waste Balance